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Self Understanding Surveys & Growth Resources and Hotlines

Below are self help surveys and test for different areas of life that are helpful in self understanding, reflection, and exploring life changes and transformation. All surveys are online and free of charge except where noted. These tests often yield very useful and meaningful information which can augment and supercharge therapy and life growth. 

SURVEYS: Temperament, Personality, Strengths, Addictions, Couples


16 Personality Type Test Most highly recommended temperament type online survey.

Kiersey Temperament Sorter II Also, a strong temperament test and results.

Jung Typology Test and Marriage Comparison Temperament, partner/marriage for small fee. 


Enneagram Personality Scale--Nine Types Based on ancient types, modernized for today.

Big Five Personality Types Survey Based on extensive scientific work, most widely used. 

*Strength Based Surveys

VIA Strengths Tests Based on extensive research, gives key life, character strengths.

Authentic Happiness Site and Surveys VIA strengths, Optimism, Happiness, Resilience, more. 


Addiction Resources  for addictions, alcohol, drugs, sexual, AA, Al Anone, etc.

*Relationship and Marriage Surveys

Prepare-Enrich Tests For premarital, relationships, and marital understanding. Can only be done while in premarital or couples sessions with a certified Prepare-Enrich Evaluator (Dr. Wyatt is certified in Prepare-Enrich).

GROWTH RESOURCES: Check them out to see if they might be of help to you and if the approach fits you well or not. Take what you like and leave the rest behind. 

GUIDED DEEP RELAXATION RECORDINGS:There are many apps (Calm, etc) out there for relaxation and breathing and calm on your phone or  links on Youtube. Below are a few links to access for calming stress, pain and deepening the mind/body connection in a positive way. Search around to see what connects to you, try different ones and see what you like. 


Autogenic recordings for stress, calming, and pain relief.  Deep muscle relaxation. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation for relaxing, stress relief, calm, and energy (10 min).


Navy Seal 4 by 4 Breathing Technique to increase resilience, coping responses, and stress management.


Andrew Weil Breathing Tips to Assist Sleep


Dr. Jennifer Wu Stress and Life Management Youtube Resources

Dr Wu share videos that explore mental health issues, relevant hot topics in psychology, guided meditations and coping strategies.  

DBT Tools

Ready to use Dialectical Behavioral Therapy self help tools for distress tolerance, emotional regulation, mindfulness, and more.  

DBT: MIndfulness, Distress Tolerance and Coping Tools 

This Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) website is self-helped based and provides tools to manage stress, develop mindfulness, emotional regulation, interpersonal and life balance skills.

Positive Self Talk

Explore the research, benefits and tools of positive self talk which can increase self image, help manage anxiety and cope better. 

Psychology Help Center from the American Psychological Association

A consumer resource featuring information related to psychological issues affecting your daily physical and emotional well-being with valuable support resources.


The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Toltec wisdom applied to everyday life.

More Beautiful than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us

Suffering is not sought, so we look for how to survive it, and the potential to grown and transform through it.


Don't Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks

Explains panic attacks in understandable ways and offers practical coping tools to manage anxiety and panic and get beyond fears.


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

A Practical guide with tools for couples to manage conflict, keep dreams alive and grow together.


SOS Help for Parents: A Practical Guide for Handling Everyday Behavior Problems.

One of the most practical resources for parenting skill that are positive and teach children self soothing, emotional regulation, and behavioral tools for life. Easy to read and easy to use tips.

How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk

Parenting tools to connect with kids.



-San Francisco Warmline (24/7) CA statewide support line): 855-845-7415 

The Peer-Run Warm Line is for anyone in California seeking mental and emotional support. Concerns callers share are challenges with interpersonal relationships, anxiety, pain, depression, finances, alcohol/drug use etc.

-SF Suicide prevention (CA statewide support) 24/7 Crisis Line: Call 415-781-0500

TTY Line: 415-227-0245, Drug Info Line: 415-362-3400, Relapse Line: 415-834-1144

-Natio​nal Suicide Prevention Life Line: new direct line is 988, also 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

-Depression Hotline - 888-273-5174

-Self-Harm Hotline - 877-455-0628

-National Domestic Violence Hotline - 800-799-7233

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